Softy Mixes2019-04-08T07:17:53+00:00

Softy Mixes

Just add our Softy Mixes to milk or water and serve the tastiest softies to your customers.

Our Softy Mixes are made to ease the making of softy ice creams by the manufacturer. The manufacturer only needs to buy milk or have clean water. Depending on the mix chosen, first the milk or water is added to the softy machine, and then the mix added. This is stirred and cooled inside the softy machine and soon after the softy is ready to serve.

Our Softy Mixes produce a rich, creamy and stable softy which can be poured or delivered into a cone or cup with ease.

Our Softy Mix for addition to milk. Add the mix to milk in your softy machine.

Our Softy Mix for addition to water. No additional milk or milk products required.

Our Softy Mix for addition to water. No additional milk or milk products required.